Call us on 0161 343 3830

Unit 9, Fifth Avenue, Tameside Park Industrial Estate, Cheshire, SK16 4PP


Unit 9, Fifth Avenue, Tameside Park Industrial Estate, Cheshire, SK16 4PP


Call us on: 0161 343 3830

Purple Maximum 5ltr 40% Logo-01.jpg

Purple Maximum 4 Way Descaler

10x1L 5L

Multi action 4 way toilet descaler. Cleans, descales, deodourises & stainless steel safe. 

Purple Maximum  (1L) utilises a directional nozzle to help you clean right under the rim of the toilet bowl, and a safety cap. 


Toilet Bowls: Remove cap and aim under the rim at the water outlets then around the bowl above the water level. Leave for 5 minutes and brush stubborn stains. To remove stains below the water level, force water round the S bend with the toilet brush and apply as above. Rinse brush thoroughly after use.

Urinals: Apply evenly across the surface of the urinal, leave to react for 5 minutes before scrubbing stains with a brush. Allow to flush automatically and rinse brush.

Sinks: Insert the plug and apply carefully to taps and spread around the inside of the sink. Allow to react for a few minutes and agitate with a cloth or sponge. Remove the plug and rinse thoroughly.

View Information Sheet here 

View SDS (Safety Data Sheet) here 

The Purple Maximum containers are manufactured from 40% UK Post Consumer Recyled (PCR) polymer, and each case is made using 100% recycled cardboard.


Size: 5L