Call us on 0161 343 3830

Unit 9, Fifth Avenue, Tameside Park Industrial Estate, Cheshire, SK16 4PP


Unit 9, Fifth Avenue, Tameside Park Industrial Estate, Cheshire, SK16 4PP


Call us on: 0161 343 3830

Apple Toilet Freshener 1ltr 40% Logo.jpg

Apple Toilet Freshener

5L 10x1L

Ideal for use as a daily deodoriser for toilets and urinals. Apple Toilet Freshener is gentle on surfaces with it's neutral pH and has a long-lasting apple fragrance to maintain a pleasant smelling washroom environment.

Apple Toilet Freshener (1L) utilises a directional nozzle to help you clean right under the rim of the toilet bowl, and a safety cap. 


Toilet Bowls: Flush the toilet. Apply neat product freely round the bowl particularly under the rim. Leave overnight to freshen the bowl for maximum effect.

Urinals: Make sure that the automatic or manual system flushes the urinal. Apply neat product freely over the entire area and leave overnight to freshen the surface.

View Information Sheet here

View SDS (Safety Data Sheet) here 

The Apple Toilet Freshener containers are manufactured from 40% UK Post Consumer Recyled (PCR) polymer, and each case is made using 100% recycled cardboard.


Size: 10x1L