Call us on 0161 343 3830

Unit 9, Fifth Avenue, Tameside Park Industrial Estate, Cheshire, SK16 4PP


Unit 9, Fifth Avenue, Tameside Park Industrial Estate, Cheshire, SK16 4PP


Call us on: 0161 343 3830


High Solids Floor Polish (20% Solids)


A high 20% solids, dry-bright metallised emulsion polish for use in medium to high wear conditions, good resistance to scuffing and black heel marking makes it an all round performer which allies durability with economy. High gloss and good detergent resistance gives long life with easy maintenance.


Ensure floor has been properly swept and cleaned before application, making sure that any oil, grease and old polish has been removed. Rinse well with water and allow to dry thoroughly. Mop or apply a thin film of product onto floor. Allow 30 minutes to dry. Apply a second thin coat and allow to dry.

View Information Sheets here 

View SDS (Safety Data Sheet) here 


Size: 5L