Call us on 0161 343 3830

Unit 9, Fifth Avenue, Tameside Park Industrial Estate, Cheshire, SK16 4PP


Unit 9, Fifth Avenue, Tameside Park Industrial Estate, Cheshire, SK16 4PP


Call us on: 0161 343 3830


Descaling Liquid


Designed to remove lime and hard water scale from automatic catering equipment such as machine dish and glass washers. 


For use against heavy scale: dilute 1 part product with up to 5 parts water, soak or brush machine parts to be descaled with solution. Agitate if necessary and thoroughly rinse 2 or 3 times with clean water. Depending on the level of scale, dilute up to 1 part product to 20 parts water. Use a dilution rate of up to 1 part product to 80 parts water to remove water staining. Always test the solution on a small are to check compatibility.

View Information Sheet here 

View SDS (Safety Data Sheet) here 


Size: 5L